How does the registration for Golden Leaves Con work?
Since 2023, registration is held as a lottery.
The registration is open for at least three weeks after the registration start.
You can find out the exact time in the Telegram group or on X.
After that, any available spaces will be drawn among all the registrants.
Why a lottery?
The number of spots we can offer in Hasliberg is limited to about 300. In previous years, nearly 600 people signed up within a few minutes. This led to long
waiting lists and frustration. Sometimes a few seconds in filling out the
forms decided between participation and rejection. We are confident that by
introducing a lottery system, we can reduce the rush of registration and
provide a quicker final decision on participation or rejection.
What should couples pay attention to?
One of the biggest problems with the previous first-come-first-serve
principle is that there were many cases where one partner was admitted while
the other was stuck on the waiting list. In the new system, it is possible
to link your partner's registration and form a couple ticket: If one person
is drawn, their partner is automatically included. A couple ticket reduces
both partners' individual chance of being drawn by half.
How do the partner tickets work?
Both partners must be registered at the time of the draw and have their
registrations linked together. This is very simple, and instructions will be
provided with the registration email. However, after the drawing, it is too
late to link - a post-nomination of "forgotten" partners is not possible.
Important: Both partners must choose the same room category and location.
Are there fixed spots for regulars?
No. We love our returning guests and old friends above all. But we also
believe that everyone deserves a chance to experience our convention. The
variety and the new faces are part of the special con experience of GLC and
keep it fresh.
Does the lottery system also apply to helpers?
Golden Leaves Con relies (and depends) on the help of various volunteers,
from the kitchen to the stage to security. The core team and essential staff
members are therefore exempt from the lottery system. If you'd like to help
at GLC, feel free to apply with us. However, it
will not influence your application in the first year.